Incorporating user-generated content in an ad brings its own challenges and a need for sensitivity but none more so, it would seem, than in the “The last photo”, created by adam & eveDDB for the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM).
The 90-second TV ad, which features the last videos of real people before they died by suicide and kick-started a conversation around the fact that “suicide hides behind a smile”, has been voted the winner of the May/June Thinkboxes Award for TV creativity.
TV is an “incredibly important channel” for CALM, says its chief marketing officer Matt Jennings. “It allows us to reach a huge audience in an instant.” But also crucial for reaching and engaging as many people as possible and meeting the charity’s aim of creating a national conversation about suicide, he adds, is planning TV as part of an integrated campaign.
It was an uncomfortable truth that led to this TV spot: that “suicidal doesn’t always look suicidal” and, says adam & eveDDB senior planner James MacAskill, “that one in five of us will experience suicidal ideation at one point. That suicide hides behind a smile.”
Second in the May/June Thinkboxes was "Change. Made easier" by Uncommon for B&Q. “The last lonely menopause” by AMV BBDO for TENA was third.
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Campaign Against Living Miserably 'The last photo'
- Agency: adam & eveDDB
- Creative team: Andy Clough, Richard McGrann, Ant Nelson, Mike Sutherland
- Client: Matt Jennings
- Production company: Cain&Abel
- Director: Max Fisher
B&Q 'Flip'
- Agency: Uncommon Creative Studio
- Creative team: Uncommon
- Client: Jamie Hewett
- Production company: Pulse Films
- Director: Oscar Hudson
Just Eat 'Did Somebody Say'
- Agency: McCann London
- Creative team: Nik Studzinski, Luke Ramm, Joe Holt, Louisa Whitehead, Fiona Moseley
- Client: Susan O’Brien
- Production company: Radical Media
- Director: David Meyers
TENA 'Last Lonely Menopause'
- Agency: AMV BBDO
- Creative team: Lauren Peters, Augustine Cerf
- Client: Jason Kaplanis
- Production company: Lief
- Director: Shannon Murphy
The National Lottery ‘The Chase’
- Agency: adam & eveDDB
- Creative team: Ben Tollett, Matt Finch, Mark Lewis
- Client: Anna McInally
- Production company: Arts & Sciences
- Director: Tim Bobbsey (The Bobbsey Twins)